Thursday, March 23, 2006

A country where no one knows your name

March 8th, 2006

I didn’t invite my lap top on vaca, so I’m writing this a bit later.

The drama continues. So, I finally landed in Fiji, roughly 20 hours after I left Hong Kong. I went straight to my hotel desk to pick up my boat to Beachcomber Island only to find out that they didn’t have a reservation for me and that they couldn’t pick me up because the waters were too rough. So, to recap, I just landed in a foreign country without a place to sleep and in a rather seedy airport town. I hate when people make me cry, but tears were pouring out before I could stop them at this point. Two weeks of turmoil and a stupid hotel reservation is what actually causes my breakdown... Figures.

Fortunately, the reservation lady took pity on my and helped me find another hotel and promised to arrange for an 8 AM pick up. My only requirement was a single room with a private bath. I got the single room (and a comfy bed), but the only thing private about my shower was the lock that prevented the other users from coming in while I was in there. I was too tired to fight and I didn’t want anyone else to make me cry, so I decided to suck it up. Besides, I realized that no one on the face of the earth knew where I was staying, so the likelihood of someone tracking me down if I disappeared was slim. Better not to cause a ruckus. I can’t say that I’ve ever spent a night where absolutely no one knew where I was. Again, this is how girls go missing. Unlike trolling through Melbourne, though, I couldn’t help it this time.

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