Thursday, March 23, 2006

Life is looking up!!!

March 20th

I am very happy to report that I am making fantastic improvements on my attitude about being in HK right now. First, I feel so much more comfortable with the other exchange students. Everyone is very nice and absolutely fascinating. They come from such different places, but we're all quite similar in some way. I especially get along with the Texas guys. I think our schools attract very similar students.

I’m also getting much more comfortable hanging out on my own. I'm not much fun to talk to, but I never have to get agreement on anything either. I honestly don't have much free time right now because school is so freaking busy. Don't they know I am graduating and should be coasting right now?

Things are much less strained between my FGL and me and I don’t see him as much as I thought I would. As it turns out, he is so busy with school that he spends all of his time studying and meeting with study groups. First years!!!

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