Monday, February 13, 2006

Bring on the Farang!!!

February 4th, 2006

I heart civilization. A lot! After three nights, I was ready to see civilization and to shower in a location separate from where I potty. Fortunately, my STs were excited about civilization also. Kevin tossed around the idea of staying in beautifully secluded Long Beach for our last night in Phi Phi. I told him that I would meet them at the ferry terminal the next day if they wanted to stay there, but that I needed to interact with civilization. I was a good sport, but I’m still quite spoiled. At least I own up to it.

We spent our last night in an awesome hotel. Think infinity pool overlooking Tonsai beach, a massage in a glass room overlooking the ocean, and a real life comfy bed. Even though I planned to ban make up from my existence for my stay in Phi Phi, I actually put a little on and wore a dress. I didn’t even feel guilty for shaving my legs (which I also planned to avoid).

On a sad note, the area around our hotel was the hardest hit on Phi Phi. The hotel is in excellent shape at this point, but they are still in the process of rebuilding the bar area and most things between the main area and our hotel (which is a five minute walk away from the tourist craziness) is still pretty much destroyed. They built a nice rememberance park on the site and construction is underway for what looks to be homes for locals. Very sad and a little eerie.

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