March 26th, 2006

I thought you might like to see the picture that I took from the back of Hong's motor bike.
Sometimes I am amazed at how quickly situations can turn around. One minute you feel like someone threw you on the ground and stomped on your head, and the next minute you feel like everything in the world is absolutely lovely and perfect. I really started feeling better about being in Hong Kong a little over a week ago, but going to Vietnam was a complete turning point for me – both in this trip and maybe on a larger scale. I never once felt lonely or even thought about the fact that I was traveling alone. I met so many wonderful people and allowed the day to take me wherever it desired. I guess everything happens for a reason and the reasons for my recent struggle is just now becoming clear.
The return flight was also wonderful. I sat next to an awesome American guy – who lives in Rocky Mount, NC. Can I just tell you how much I loved hearing the heart-warming southern drawl? I did. The flight was a bit delayed, so we spent about 3 hours chatting about everything from UNC (also his alma mater) to marriage to spontaneity. This guy was just nice. He wasn’t hitting on me, but genuinely enjoyed talking to me. As a matter of fact, he offered me a job writing a business plan for his furniture company. Oh, I forgot, he owns a furniture company, so we talked a lot about that since I used to deal with the furniture industry at my last job. I declined his offer as my priorities for the next few months are enjoying my last bit of freedom and well, that’s really my only priority. Money would, however, be a wonderful addition to my life as I’ve already spent my yet to be received tax refund. I did put him in touch with my entrepreneurship professor though, so that he could find another student to help him.
Not much else to report about on Sunday as I have to focus on schoolwork on Sunday – Wednesday so that I can travel on Thursday – Sunday. My classes are much more difficult this mod. I am supposed to coast along like my friends at home, but I don’t get that option. I’m not really complaining, though, because last mod was an insult to my intelligence. HS (The evil German Prof) seems to think that my life purpose is to prepare for his class and that his life purpose is to torture students like me while demeaning them at every possible opportunity. Unless he really pisses me off, he will not make this journal again. He doesn’t deserve the air time. He does remind me of my 7th and 8th grade English teacher. I couldn’t stand him either.
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