Monday, February 13, 2006

Pictures of Bungalow in Phi Phi

This is how I found my toilet. Notice there isn't a back on it because it doesn't flush. You pour water from that nasty black bucket. I can't tell you if the toilet is dirty or if the last person "flushed" because the water is just as dirty. Yuck!
nu=3233>3<7>:87>23243<7;7828;ot1lsi.5.jpg">I I am contemplating my escape in this picture. Think "How in the hell can I get to nicer accomodations without being a big baby." Followed by "OK, so I have to spend 24 hours here or I will hate myself for being so high maintenenance"
nu=3245>79;>;6;>WSNRCG=32334;8;38;63nu0mrj.5.jpg"> Kevin loved this place. I hope you can see the sarcasm in this cheers!
As I said, not just for Expedia commercials. Kevin thought it was pretty funny that I slept with my entire bag on the bed so that my nasty bathroom roommate would not get on my clothes.

These wouldn't upload to the actual post, so I had to put them here.

Amber = not good with technology

Kind of sad, since marketing it seems to be my life's work.

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